

  • 山猫队在BHS田径会上大放异彩

    BHS田径赛是我们最喜爱的传统之一, opening up our campus to other schools in our area for two days of friendly competition and camaraderie. The event happens at the end of the track and field unit in PE for grades 4-8 and is as popular among BHS students and parents, 就像我们的客人一样. 周四, 在JH活动中,我们欢迎了来自巴克利的运动员, 敲出和谐的声音, Mirman, 国家, 和伍德克雷斯特, 米尔曼的学生, 特尔斐, Woodcrest and Los Encinos participated in the Intermediate division. Friday's meet was one of our biggest yet with over 200 students involved. Coach Myers noted that additional schools have asked to join the meet and next year we look forward to hosting another 100 JH students.
    “今年在初中, BHS几乎在所有项目中都有前三名,” says Coach Myers who noted in that 敲出和谐的声音 had stellar athletes in that division and dominated the boys competition. 
    而我们的山猫队努力了, 并赢得了一些激动人心的胜利, the greatest take-away from the event was the sportsmanship and team spirit that was evident everywhere on the field. 其中一个温暖人心的时刻是奥巴马先生. 埃文·利尼尔看着八年级学生大卫·H. 在 .还有1秒就能打破他保持了15年的100米纪录. 比赛. Mr. 利尼耶站在终点线支持赢得比赛的大卫, 但他差一点就打破了学校的记录.
    A massive thank-you goes out to everyone who helped make this a stand-out event, especially the parents who volunteered at the snack shack and field events. 没有你们的帮助和支持,这次会议是不可能举行的.
  • 选修课表现出色

    3月1日,星期五,我们举办了第一次活动 BHS选修课在霍奇斯剧院展示. The event drew curious parents and students in grades 4 and up who came to see our middle schoolers share their learning – and enthusiasm – for their electives’ classes. The showcase started with a screening of movie trailers by students, 随后是模拟审判小组的表演. Guests then visited stations and experienced impressive projects on display by the Robotics, 雕塑研讨会, 纤维艺术, 盾, and the Drama classes and then stepped outside for a demonstration by the Coaching elective.
    Ava K报道。. 谈论她在纤维艺术选修课上的经历:
    "We do crochet on our first week, then move on to embroidery and knitting. We made all kinds of cute art projects and worked very hard on them and we are all very proud of our work. 有人编织了一个篮球场,里面有小球员. 很多学生也做了钩针编织项目. I made a water lily that I embroidered that I think worked out well. I had to learn different kinds of stitching and it was the first time for me so it was a bit hard. 但我确实学到了很多东西. This is a wonderful elective to improve your creativity and I really enjoyed it."

    We look forward to another opportunity to see the student's work at the next Electives Showcase in 五月.
  • 谢谢BHS同伴导师!

    在过去的三个月里, afternoons in the library have been filled with students of all ages working together on math and language arts, 参与BHS同伴辅导项目. Twenty-five junior high students volunteered this year to offer extra support after school to thirty students from 1st to 7th grade, and on any given day the library was filled with the sounds of productivity and progress as part of this wonderful community program. “我喜欢与人交往,”艾拉说.他是一位经验丰富的同伴导师. “帮助别人让我很开心,”布雷迪·W.他本人就是一名优秀的八年级学生. "Tutoring younger kids and just to see the smile on their faces was the highlight of my day!另一位资深的同侪辅导老师,八年级的阿里R说. “我喜欢有机会分享我的想法。.她是一名八年级的高级数学学生. “我喜欢成为年轻学生的好榜样,”温斯顿K.她今年新加入了一名同侪导师,教授数学和写作. The program ended this week, and tutors were honored with a pizza lunch for a job well done! They will be recognized again at the year-end recognition awards assembly on 小君e 3rd.
  • SoFi体育场足球赛

    Here's a report from Coach Myers about our Bobcats at a soccer match at one of LA's top sports venues:

    "This past Sunday, the boys JH soccer team had the opportunity to play soccer at Sofi Stadium! 前进党, another school in the San Fernando Valley Private School League sent a late invite to our Bobcats offering to host an 11 v 11 game on the field. This was the first time Berkeley Hall has participated in a game like this and a great chance for the boys to get a scrimmage against the team they will be playing in the first round of the playoffs later in 2月ruary. The students and families had the opportunity to go onto the field and explore the stadium as there were basketball and volleyball courts set up on the other half of the field. Berkeley Hall started the game strong with multiple chances created with passes over the top, 但我们无法将任何进球转化为进球. 前进党 then finished the half with a goal after the first shot was initially saved and went on to finish the game at 1-0. This was the first scrimmage for the Bobcats in SoFi and hopefully not the last! 感谢所有参加比赛的家庭和学生."
  • 最年轻校友重返哈佛大学

    Last Friday, the graduates from the Class of 2023 returned to campus for a reunion. The 9th graders enjoyed a pizza dinner and game of trivia with their classmates in the Library. They also got to spend time with their former teachers and administrators and had the opportunity to tell us about their first few months of high school. 对于许多, this was the first time they saw each other since graduation and they all appeared thrilled to be there. Their parents attended a separate reception at the 创新实验室 with administrators and members of staff and also had a great time catching up over appetizers and desserts.
    One of the highlights of the evening was the trivia game curated by Mr. Shoemake that included questions about the graduates’ favorite aspects of Berkeley Hall, 24k皇冠足球游戏他们老师的趣事, 并为他们的同学进行一轮实时投票. 你认为谁会在2023届获得诺贝尔奖? 谁最有可能回到哈佛大学任教? 我们让你猜猜看!



位于洛杉矶, CA, 24k皇冠足球游戏是一所私立学校, 为学前班到八年级的学生提供男女同校的学校. Rigorous academics in a supportive atmosphere and grounded character development allow students to become fearless scholars and conscientious citizens - gain a love of learning, 具有社会责任的领导, 具有诚信的创造力, 自尊与对他人和环境的同情.